Designed to work for you
Logo lockups effectively link our schools, academic units, and administrative offices with the power of The Citadel brand. Every member of our campus community plays an important role in maintaining logo integrity by applying this system consistently throughout all of The Citadel’s communications.
The logo lockup system allows individual units to construct a custom identity using the Padgett-Thomas brandmark, The Citadel wordmark, and up to two lines of text.
Lockups are available in stacked and horizontal configurations. The text style is a design component and should not be altered in any way.
Clear Space
No elements should be placed within a minimum of the space equal to the width of the Padgett-Thomas brandmark to any edge of the marketing lockup.
Minimum Size
The width of the stacked marketing lockup should never go below 1.5 inches or 225 pixels at 72 ppi.
The width of the horizontal brand signature should never go below 2 inches or 295 pixels at 72 ppi.
In situations where multiple logos are required in print, signage, web layouts or other media, the presentation of the marketing lockup must be equal in size to the logos of the other organizations surrounding it.